Tuesday, 16 March 2010

An inspiration hangover *yawn*

Image courtesy of stylehunternyc.wordpress.com

There's somthing brilliant, but also so frustrating about having your best ideas just as you're about to fall asleep. You blank your mind after a busy day and 'boom'! Suddenly, you're overtaken by something that was so far from your consiousness that you have to scrabble for the lamp switch so that you can exorcise the idea that's keeping you awake! Needless to say, I am very tired this morning!

Last night, I had two ideas I am really excited about. One is a project for this webpage and involves a bit of creativity and a lot of thought to produce something very sweet - more on this will follow when I've had some time to experiment! The second was actually a very welcome inspiration bolt on what to do with a plain old Ikea pine table that I bought a while back with the intention of doing something fantastic with it. Anyway, it's still in its original box, gathering dust in the attic.

But last night, the future looked bright for my sad old table, and my weekend craft project will be to transform it into a resplendent, glittering example of art deco design. I'm thinking of a design of black and bronze/black and grey mosaic tiles based around deco architecture - most likely the Empire State building. Anyway, it's still very much in it's infancy, but I am dreaming about it taking centre stage in our new dining room and getting very excited about it. (We're moving in about 3 weeks, at which point I'll take some before and after photos of our flat to post here!)

As soon as I have pictures of the materials I plan to use, I'll post them here, along with the great guide for putting together a mosaic table from Danielle Proud's excellent contemporary craft book, House Proud.
